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Apr 13-17 2025


European Testis workshop 2025 (ETW25; https://event.wur.nl/etw2025/home) Coorganized with Andronet

From 13 to 17 April 2025

The Netherlands

The European Testis Workshop 2025 will be co-organized with Andronet on April 13-17, 2025 in the excellent location of the Ruwenberg, St Michielsgestel, The Netherlands (ETW25 webpage: https://event.wur.nl/etw2025/home). Andronet plans to be able to reimburse participation of up to 100 Andronet members after the meeting, with an expected average reimbursement per participant of 1385€. Candidates to be considered for reimbursement should indicate so at the time of ETW25 registration (https://event.wur.nl/etw2025/home). Only ETW25 fully registered participants will be considered for potential Andronet reimbursement. In case the number of applications for reimbursement exceeds the 100 available slots, selection of the participants to be reimbursed will be based on a combination of the following criteria: active participation in the ETW25 by presenting or co-authoring a mini-poster, leadership involvement in the Andronet COST Action, geographical spread, gender balance, and COST and Andronet goals. The ETW25 registered participants having requested reimbursement by Andronet will be communicated whether or not they have been selected for reimbursement by Andronet by March 25, 2025. All reimbursements claims will need to be submitted after ETW25 has finished according to COST reimbursement rules. More info and registration to ETW25: https://event.wur.nl/etw2025/home

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COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.